الجمعة، 11 سبتمبر 2009

biographie de Ali El Haggar

In addition to music and singing, El-Haggar family is also gifted with another sort of talent; drawing. This inborn talent enabled Ali El-Haggar to join faculty of Fine Arts. Studying various natures of Fine Arts helped him to broaden his scope of artistic knowledge. Many times Ali El-Haggar was asked a question about the relation between Music an Fine Arts and how far studying Fine Arts affected him as a singer; he answers: “While I’m singing I do imagine the music pieces as if they are geometrical shapes and lines; I can see some types of music are like straight lines, others resemble curved lines, and sometimes some music pieces reminds me of broken lines. Also, I can observe some songs of mine as complete portraits”.
During the years, Ali EL-Haggar never forgot his main artistic concern; singing. In 1977 his talent was professionally discovered by the late composer Baligh Hamdy; who introduced him publicly in the New Year Eve with his first piece of work “Ala Ad Ma Habbena” having lyrics by the late poet Abdel-Rehim Mansoor; after listening to him singing in a musical program in the Egyptian television.

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